How Much Is It To Learn Japanese?

Do you want to learn Japanese, but are wondering about the costs involved? Learning a new language like Japanese can be an enriching experience, but the expenses may vary. The cost of learning Japanese can depend on various factors, such as the type of courses, private tutors, online resources, and study materials. Let’s explore the potential costs associated with learning this fascinating language.

Comparing Learning Japanese Abroad and Online

When considering the cost of learning Japanese, it’s vital to weigh the advantages of studying in Japan versus online courses:

1. Cost

Learning Japanese online can be more budget-friendly than studying abroad in Japan. Online platforms like Preply and Udemy offer cost-effective options, while studying in Japan involves expenses such as airfare, language school fees, and living costs. The cost of learning japanese can range from$1,500 to $2,000 per month for living expenses in Japan, although all-inclusive Japanese language courses can help offset some of these costs.

2. Timing of Classes

Online learning provides the flexibility to choose your preferred study hours. In contrast, studying in Japan requires adherence to class schedules and accommodating the time difference, which can be substantial for students in the USA.

3. Passive vs. Active Learning

Your learning style plays a crucial role in choosing the right method. Online learning suits independent learners, while studying in Japan fosters social interaction, allowing you to make connections with classmates.

4. Language Learning Goals

Online learning is suitable for casual language learners who aim to read and write Japanese or engage in small talk. Studying in Japan is ideal for those pursuing certification or specific language proficiency, such as business Japanese.

How much does it cost to study Japanese in Japan?

The cost of studying Japanese in Japan varies depending on the program you choose:

  • One-year courses at Japanese universities can cost around ¥600,000.
  • Short-term intensive courses, lasting one semester or a summer, range from ¥80,000 to ¥150,000.
  • For casual learners, free language exchange opportunities are available in Japan, often costing no more than a cup of coffee.

When considering the cost of studying Japanese in Japan, four key expenses should be taken into account:

1. Airfare

Flights to Japan can range from as low as $130 to as high as $2,000, depending on the time of year. Peak tourist seasons in spring and autumn generally have higher flight costs.

2. Accommodation: 

Accommodation options in Japan vary, with shared housing ranging from $500 to $800 monthly and solo apartments starting at $1,500 to $3,000 per month.

3. Course Fees:

The type of program you choose will determine course fees, which can range from $600 to $6,000. All-inclusive packages may help offset these costs.

4. Daily Living Expenses:

Tokyo is known for its high cost of living, with daily expenses averaging around $100. Living in smaller towns or rural areas can significantly reduce living costs.

Additionally, teaching English in Japan has become a viable option for foreigners. The demand for English language teachers is high, offering an opportunity to fund your stay in Japan while learning Japanese.

Affordable Japanese Language Programs

Several affordable Japanese language programs are worth considering:

Meiji Academy in Fukuoka

This program offers 20 hours of Japanese lessons per week, with options for Business Japanese and Pop Culture Japanese. Tuition starts at about $200 per week, plus a registration fee.

Short-term Japanese Course & Cultural Activity in Hokkaido

Offering 15 to 21 classes per week, this program provides a structured schedule starting every Monday. Tuition begins around $195 per week.

Genki Japanese and Culture School

With branches in Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya, and Fukuoka, this school offers the Core Course with 20 lessons per week, and prices start at approximately $228 a week.

Exploring the beauty of Japan through learning its language is a rewarding journey. Whether you choose to study Japanese online or immerse yourself in Japan, the experience is certain to be transformative.

For more information relating to the costs and programs affiliated with learning Japanese, you can check out;


In conclusion, embarking on the journey of learning Japanese in Japan is an investment in not just language but also culture and life experiences. Japan’s allure is undeniable, and whether you choose online or in-person learning, the path you select is a gateway to a world of enchantment. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the tranquility of Hokkaido, the possibilities are endless. As Japan reopens its doors to the world, the cost of learning Japanese becomes a small price to pay for the richness of this unique cultural tapestry.

So, whether you’re drawn to cherry blossoms in spring, the serenity of autumn, or the snowy slopes of winter, Japan welcomes you with open arms, offering an unparalleled adventure. Word by word, phrase by phrase, let the language of Japan guide you to a land of limitless discovery.

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