How To Get An Internship In Japan

Are you trying to find out how to get an internship in Japan? Interested in starting a career in Japan and gaining priceless global experience? It is hard to deny the appeal of an internship in Japan. We will give you the most current and pertinent information in this in-depth guide to aid in getting your dream internship in Japan, whether it be in 2023 or later. With the best advice on landing your ideal internship in the Land of the Rising Sun, we’ve got you covered.

Getting An Internship In Japan: How To Go About It

It’s understandable why so many people want to intern in this thriving nation with its diverse culture, state-of-the-art technology, and influence across the globe. Here are some steps you could put into consideration before applying for that internship;

1. Making an Outstanding Resume

Having a strong resume is the first step in getting an internship in Japan. Make sure to specifically address the internship you’re applying for on your CV, highlighting any relevant experience and skills. To distinguish yourself from other applicants, think about employing action words and measurable accomplishments.

2. Language Competencies Matter

Knowledge of the Japanese language is advantageous. Although not necessarily required, knowing Japanese can greatly improve your chances of getting an internship. To improve your language abilities, think about enrolling in programs or passing certification tests. Your ability to communicate in more than one language can give you an advantage in interviews and at work.

3. Examine prospective employers

Find businesses or organizations that support your interests and professional objectives. To learn about the principles, culture, and internship possibilities offered by these organizations, do extensive research on them. Impress interviewers with your in-depth understanding of the organization by adjusting your application to their particular requirements.

4. The Value of Networking

To succeed in the Japanese employment market, networking is essential. Attend career fairs, conferences, and trade shows. Developing business contacts can help you find internships that aren’t posted anywhere and connect with other interns as well; don’t just network with pros. They can give you advice, and knowledge, and even assist you in finding untapped prospects.

5. Use the Internet’s resources

Utilize online resources like job search websites and LinkedIn to locate internship possibilities. Update your profile often, and likewise, make contact with experts in your area of interest. Join discussion boards or groups dedicated to Japan to obtain knowledge from people who have successfully interned there.

6. Speak to career services

Make use of the career services office at your school if you’re a student. It’s common for them to have connections and resources that can support your search for internships in Japan. The help of career services can also help your application stand out by helping you with your CV and cover letter.

7. Get ready for interviewing

Be well-prepared for the interview whenever you land it. Be prepared to talk about your credentials and why you’re the best applicant by being aware of Japanese interview etiquette. To increase your confidence, familiarise yourself with typical interview questions and practice interviews with peers or experts.

8. Visa and Legal Needs

Understanding the visa and legal conditions for employment in Japan is essential. To receive the required visa for your internship, contact the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in your nation. As applying for visas can take some time, get started on this procedure early.

9. Take Cultural Sensitivity to Heart

Being sensitive to cultural differences is crucial because Japan has a distinct culture. To leave a good impression, become knowledgeable about Japanese traditions, customs, and business protocol. You will feel more at ease navigating social and business situations if you demonstrate cultural awareness.

10. Be persistent and patient

In Japan, getting an internship could take some time. Don’t let rejections demoralize you. Continue to use and improve your strategy. Employers in Japan place a high value on persistence. Remember that persistence and hard work will get you the best results regardless of what position or internship level you’re applying for.

11. Investigate internship opportunities

Examine joining organizations like AIESEC or the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program’s internship programs. The application procedure might be made simpler for you by these programs, which provide structured internships in Japan.

12. Reminder and Thank You

Send a thank-you note to the interviewer thereafter to show your gratitude and to reiterate your interest in the internship. It exhibits respect for others and professionalism. A well-written thank-you message has the power to make a positive impression.

13. Take Full Advantage of Your Internship

Make the most of the opportunity once you’ve landed an internship. Gain helpful skills for your future career while interacting with and learning from your coworkers and the culture. Take the initiative to research the business and its sector. Take part in cross-cultural encounters and seek to always improve, ask for comments.

14. Establishing Long-Term Relationships

After an internship, networking continues. To foster prospects, keep in touch with colleagues, mentors, and peers in Japan. Maintain your connections on social media sites like LinkedIn, and think about going back to Japan to advance your career.

You may want to know how to get an internship in Japan, but you must also work towards maintaining positive connections and strengthening your networking skills.

15. Consider Your Experience.

Think back on what you’ve learned and how it has helped you grow personally and professionally after your internship. Make the most of this experience to improve your job prospects. Use what you’ve learned and learned how to do in your future endeavors, both in Japan and beyond.


If you want to know how to get an internship in Japan, know that it is a unique chance that has the potential to change your career. Applying for an internship always requires preparedness at every level and it is important to give it your best. You can improve your chances of landing your ideal internship in this fascinating nation by adhering to these recommendations and being persistent. So get started today and open the doors to career success in Japan!

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