Scholarship for women in technology and remote internship in the UK 2023

Scholarship for women in technology
Scholarship for women in technology 2023

It was made known on the 25th of October,2023 that there will be 100 scholarship beneficiaries only for females to be trained in the skill of digital marketing and tech, if your application is successful, you will be trained and then linked with a 3 months remote internship with a UK company to work as a digital marketing professional and gain international work experience. 

The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) in collaboration with the Dutch government and the Digital Marketing Women Employability and Empowerment Program (DM-WEEP) are the sponsors of this fellowship.

You will graduate from the future DM-WEEP scholarship program with a credential that is recognized all around the world and after that get assistance to launch a successful career in digital marketing.

Register Here!

Keep in mind that your ability to take part in the UK internship depends on a number of factors, including how well you do, if you can earn the DM-WEEP certificate by successfully completing the program, and whether internship places are available.

It was stated on Punch News on 25th oct,2023. On how to be part of the internship. If you’re a woman who wants to work in technology, After that, you might also benefit from this.

preparing oneself for global possibilities.

The requirements to participate in this internship are as follows:

Step 1: Apply for one of the 100 available spots in the comprehensive scholarship program offered by DM-WEEP.

If accepted, you won’t be required to pay the entire cost of tuition. Just the application and acceptance fees must be paid.

Step 2: After being accepted, you’ll complete a month-long practical online course to become an expert in digital marketing.

Step 3: Pick up your globally recognized certificate upon completion of the session.

Next you will be shortlisted for the unpaid remote internship which will last for 3 months.


  • You must be a woman who is eager to learn and put new ideas into practice.
  • Technical expertise is not necessary. You can apply if you can send an email or log into social media. You will learn all necessary technical skills during the curriculum.
  • Even among women who perform really well, there is little likelihood that they will be hired remotely. since the foreign businesses have consented to keep a select group of outstanding students.
  • Keep in mind that your ability to take part in the UK internship depends on a number of factors, including how well you do, if you can earn the DM-WEEP certificate by successfully completing the program, and whether internship places are available.

To apply to be one of the 100 recipients of the DM-WEEP scholarship and international internship, click on  this Text.

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