Secondment Worker

Are you looking for how to bring your employees to the UK for any contract outside your company? The secondment worker Visa is the visa option you need to explore, especially if such an employee is from Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. 

Are you curious about secondment workers in the UK and the opportunities they present? Whether you’re an employer looking to expand your workforce or a professional seeking new avenues for growth, understanding the concept of secondment can be a game-changer. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the legal and regulatory framework surrounding secondment in the UK, the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees, and the practical considerations involved in arranging a secondment. We’ll also delve into the advantages of secondment for professionals, such as expanding their networks, acquiring new expertise, and advancing their careers.

Who is a Secondment Worker

A secondment worker is an employee who is temporarily assigned or transferred to work in a different department, organization, or location for a specific period of time. The arrangement is typically facilitated through an agreement between the current employer, the host organization, and the employee.

During the secondment period, the worker remains an employee of their original employer but carries out their duties and responsibilities within the host organization. This temporary assignment allows the secondment worker to gain new experiences, skills, and insights while also benefiting the host organization through the worker’s expertise and contributions.

Secondment workers can be found in various industries and sectors, including business, finance, law, healthcare, academia, and more. The duration of a secondment can vary, ranging from a few months to a couple of years, depending on the agreement between the parties involved.

What is the Secondment Worker Visa 

The Secondment Worker Visa (Global Business Mobility) is a visa that allows businesses to send their employees to the UK for a temporary period of time. The visa is valid for up to 12 months, and can be extended for up to 24 months. To be eligible for a Secondment Worker visa, you must:

  • Be an existing employee of an overseas organisation that has a high-value contract with your UK sponsor. 
  • Have worked for your overseas employer for at least 12 months outside the UK.
  • Have a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ from your sponsor with information about the work you will do in the UK.
  • Do a job in the UK that’s on the list of eligible occupations

Secondment Worker visa does not lead directly to settlement in the UK. However, you may be able to switch into another immigration route which does lead to settlement. Applicants may be joined or accompanied by a partner and dependent children. Here are some of the benefits of the Secondment Worker visa:

  • It allows businesses to send their employees to the UK for a temporary period of time, without having to go through the full Skilled Worker visa process.
  • It allows employees to gain experience working in the UK, which can be beneficial for their career.
  • It allows employees to bring their families with them to the UK.

If you are an overseas employee who is interested in working in the UK on a Secondment Worker visa, you should contact your employer to see if they are eligible to sponsor you. You can also find more information on the Secondment Worker visa on the UK Government website.

How to Apply For a Secondment Worker Visa

If you wish to apply for a UK secondment worker Visa, here are the steps on how to apply for a Secondment Worker Visa:

  • Determine the Appropriate Visa Category: Identify the visa category that best suits your circumstances. For example, if you are being seconded to the UK by a multinational company, the Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer) Visa may be applicable. If you are part of the Global Business Mobility program, the GBM Visa could be the relevant category.
  • Check Your Eligibility: Make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements for a Secondment Worker visa. You can find more information on the UK Government website.
  • Get a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): Your UK sponsor will need to apply for a CoS on your behalf. They can do this through the UK Government’s online sponsorship management system.
  • Complete the Online Visa Application Form: You can find the application form on the UK Government website. You will need to provide information about your employment, your qualifications, and your financial situation.
  • Pay the Application Fees. The application fee for a Secondment Worker visa is £259. You will also need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge, which is £624 per year.
  • Provide Biometrics. You will need to provide your fingerprints and a recent photograph. You can do this at a UK Visa Application Centre (VAC).
  • Submit the Application: Submit your completed application form, supporting documents, and payment receipt. This can typically be done online, although in some cases, you may need to attend an in-person appointment.
  • Wait for a Decision. The decision on your visa application will usually be made within 8 weeks.
  • Collect Your Visa: If your application is approved, you will receive a visa vignette in your passport or a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), depending on the visa category. Collect the necessary documents and ensure that you understand the visa conditions and validity period.

Remember to also keep these additional things in mind when applying for a Secondment Worker Visa:

  • You must apply for your visa before you travel to the UK.
  • You must have a valid passport that is valid for at least 6 months after your planned date of arrival in the UK.
  • You must have enough money to support yourself and your family during your stay in the UK.

How Much Does a Secondment Worker Visa Cost 

The cost of a Secondment Worker visa in the UK is as follows:

  • Application fee: £259
  • Healthcare surcharge: £624 per year
  • Proof of funds: £1,270 for the first month in the UK (unless exempt)

The healthcare surcharge is paid to the NHS to help cover the cost of your healthcare while you’re in the UK. You’ll need to pay the surcharge for each year you’re on the visa.

The proof of funds requirement is to show that you have enough money to support yourself while you’re in the UK. You’ll usually need to have at least £1,270 available in your bank account. There are some exceptions to this requirement, such as if you’re sponsored by your employer or if you’re coming to the UK to work for a government department.

In addition to these costs, there are also some costs associated with sponsorship. The employer who is sponsoring you will need to pay a fee to apply for a Temporary Worker sponsor licence, which costs £536. They will also need to pay a fee of £21 for each Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) that they issue.

The total cost of a Secondment Worker visa can vary depending on the length of time you’re in the UK and whether you’re exempt from the proof of funds requirement. However, the costs outlined above are a good starting point for estimating the total cost.

Here is a table that summarizes the costs of a Secondment Worker visa:

Application fee£259
Healthcare Surcharge£624 per year
Proof of Funds£1,270 for the first month in the UK
Sponsor Licence Fee£536
CoS Fee£21 per CoS

Eligibility Criteria for Secondment Worker Visa 

The eligibility criteria for a Secondment Worker visa in the UK are as follows:

  • You must be an existing employee of an overseas organisation that has a high-value contract with your UK sponsor.
  • You must have a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ from your UK sponsor with information about the role you’ve been offered.
  • You must have worked for your overseas employer for 12 months.
  • You must do a job in the UK that’s on the list of eligible occupations.
  • You must have sufficient funds to support yourself and your dependents while you’re in the UK.
  • You must have a valid passport and meet the UK’s health and character requirements.

The high-value contract requirement means that your overseas employer and your UK sponsor must have a contract worth at least £50 million. The eligible occupations list is published by the Home Office and includes a wide range of skilled jobs, such as engineers, accountants, and IT professionals.

The proof of funds requirement means that you must have at least £1,270 available in your bank account to support yourself and your dependents for the first month in the UK. You can also use a letter from your sponsor to show that they will be providing financial support.

The health and character requirements mean that you must be able to pass a medical examination and meet the Home Office’s requirements on character and conduct. This includes having a criminal record check and not being considered a threat to national security.

If you meet all of the eligibility criteria, you can apply for a Secondment Worker visa online. The application process takes around 8 weeks. Here is a table that summarizes the eligibility criteria for a Secondment Worker visa:

Overseas EmployerYou must be an existing employee of an overseas organisation.
UK sponsorYour UK sponsor must have a high-value contract with your overseas employer.
Certificate of SponsorshipYou must have a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ from your UK sponsor.
Work experienceYou must have worked for your overseas employer for 12 months.
OccupationThe job you do in the UK must be on the list of eligible occupations.
FundsYou must have sufficient funds to support yourself and your dependents while you’re in the UK.
PassportYou must have a valid passport.
HealthYou must pass a medical examination.
CharacterYou must meet the Home Office’s requirements on character and conduct.

List of Eligible Occupations And Codes For Secondment Worker Visa

There are several categories of occupations that are eligible for the secondment worker Visa: 

  • Senior or Specialist Worker
  • Graduate Trainee
  • UK Expansion Worker
  • Secondment Worker
  • Service Supplier

There are more than 90 specific occupations that are eligible to be used for the application for secondment worker, some of the specific occupations and their codes include:

Occupation codeJob typeRelated job titles
1115Chief executives and senior officialsChief executiveChief medical officerCivil servant (grade 5 and above)Vice president
1121Production managers and directors in manufacturingEngineering managerManaging director (engineering)Operations manager (manufacturing)Production manager
1123Production managers and directors in mining and energyOperations manager (mining, water & energy)Quarry manager
1122Production managers and directors in construction BuildingServices managerConstruction managerDirector (building construction)Owner (electrical contracting)
1131Financial managers and directorsInvestment bankerTreasury manager
1132Marketing and sales directorsMarketing directorSales director
1133Purchasing managers and directorsBid managerPurchasing manager
1134Advertising and public relations directorsAccount director (advertising)Head of public relations
1135Human resource managers and directorsHuman resources managerPersonnel managerRecruitment manager
1136Information technology and telecommunications directorsIT DirectorTechnical director (computer services)Telecommunications director
1139Functional managers and directors not elsewhere classifiedManager (charitable organisation)Research director
1150Financial institution managers and directorsBank managerInsurance manager
1161Managers and directors in transport and distributionFleet managerTransport manager
1172Senior police officersChief superintendent (police service)Detective inspectorPolice inspector
1173Senior officers in fire, ambulance, prison and related servicesFire service officer (government)Prison governorStation officer (ambulance service)

Note, you can find a full list of all the eligible occupations on the British government secondment worker Visa website. 

What you can and cannot do With a Secondment Visa 

People With a Secondment Worker visa can do the following:

  • work for your sponsor in the job described in your certificate of sponsorship
  • study
  • bring your partner and children with you as your ‘dependants’, if they’re eligible
  • do voluntary work
  • travel abroad and return to the UK

People with a secondment worker Visa cannot do the following: 

  • Apply for most benefits (public funds), or the State Pension
  • Change jobs unless you update your visa
  • Apply to settle permanently in the UK (also known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’)
  • Do a second job


Secondment workers play a vital role in today’s dynamic and globalized employment landscape. This unique arrangement allows employees to gain valuable experiences, expand their skill sets, and foster cross-cultural collaborations. At the same time, businesses can leverage secondment as a strategic tool for talent management, innovation, and building international partnerships.

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