Study Creative Writing Abroad

Exploring the realms of creative Writing becomes an enriching experience when coupled with the adventure of studying abroad. The prospect of delving into diverse cultures, languages, and landscapes provides a unique backdrop for honing one’s creative writing skills. 

This journey offers a global perspective and a vibrant tapestry of inspiration, fostering an environment where imagination knows no bounds. Let’s explore some details about studying creative Writing abroad.

Study Creative Writing Abroad— Some Top Universities to Study

1. Bath Spa University

The Creative Writing program at Bath Spa University is both demanding and stimulating, crafted to enhance your writing skills and guide you on your unique writing journey. You will be taught by Instructors who are accomplished published writers with extensive industry expertise. Beyond honing writing techniques, the program emphasizes crucial professional skills.

You’ll gain industry exposure and the opportunity to engage with established writers and creative professionals in the literary field. By actively participating in modules, projects, and student society activities, you’ll assemble a portfolio showcasing your capabilities and be well-prepared for a career in the creative industry.

2. University of East Anglia (UEA) – United Kingdom

The University of East Anglia (UEA) in the United Kingdom offers a renowned Creative Writing program that stands out for its excellence. Students have the opportunity to learn from great writers. The teaching staff includes authors with significant industry experience. UEA’s Creative Writing program covers various writing genres, including fiction, poetry, and drama. 

This diversity allows students to explore and specialize in their areas of interest. UEA regularly hosts guest speakers and literary events, allowing students to engage with established authors, publishers, and other industry professionals. Overall, the UEA Creative Writing program combines a rich literary tradition, experienced faculty, and a dynamic learning environment, making it a sought-after destination for aspiring writers.

3. OCAD University

OCAD University’s Creative Writing program offers a practical, studio-oriented approach to writing as a form of artistic expression. It allows students to integrate writing with art and design studio courses within Canada’s most significant art and design university.

Established in 1876, OCAD University has expanded its focus to include various art forms, design, and new media studies. Students actively participate in hands-on studio-based learning, combining creative, aesthetic, and technical aspects with critical, theoretical, scientific, and historical knowledge and methodologies.

4. De Montfort University

Discover your unique voice and forge your creative writing journey by studying creative Writing at DMU. The program intricately weaves engaging themes throughout its distinctive structure, allowing you to cultivate skills in various genres, including fiction, poetry, memoir, graphic novel, screenwriting, nonfiction, audio and performance Writing, concrete poetry, and new media.

Within this dynamic course, you’ll explore the intricate relationship between words, images, and sound. U on completing your studies, you won’t just be a writer – you’ll be adept at producing your professional-grade publications. As a final touch, the school provides final-year voice coaching, ensuring you depart DMU as a confident and poised public performer.

5. University of Lincoln

Suppose you have a passion for reading and Writing and wish to explore the bounds of your creativity. In that case, the Creative Writing program at the University of Lincoln offers an opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on literature. As a Creative Writing student at the University of Lincoln, you’ll engage with and become part of a global community of writers. 

This community aims to support your development in genres such as prose fiction, psychological thrillers, scriptwriting, poetry, creative nonfiction, and graphic novels. The goal is to guide you in expanding your writing skills in innovative and captivating ways, helping you become the best writer you can be. The program strongly emphasizes employability, aiming to equip you for a professional career in Writing or publishing. 

The course is taught by an enthusiastic team of professional writers with extensive publications, broadcasts, and staged works. The faculty is led by six internationally recognized writers, including;

  • Chris Dows
  • Daniele Pantano
  • Sarah Stovell
  • Guy Mankowski
  • Amy Lilwall
  • Sue Healy.

Opportunities abound for participation in readings, workshops, masterclasses, and events. Students can also be editors for ‘The Lincoln Review,’ an international literary journal exclusively edited by undergraduates and postgraduates. Additionally, you can benefit from interactions with various industry professionals, including writers, editors, dramaturges, producers, and directors who visit the University of Lincoln as guest lecturers. 

Why Study Creative Writing Abroad

Writers who study creative Writing acquire knowledge, unique encounters, and credibility that enhance the authenticity of their narratives. Proficient writers often invest significant time immersing themselves in a specific locale before using it as a setting, recognizing the critical role of every detail. 

Pursuing creative writing studies abroad can significantly elevate one’s storytelling skills. Traveling abroad can transform reality into what feels like fiction, providing a natural flow for storytelling. The immersive experiences gained while studying creative Writing abroad enhance writing capabilities and contribute to the overall progression of a writing career by expanding the potential content and settings for future stories.

Creative Writing program structure

The content underscores the variability in creative writing programs, dependent on the chosen university and degree level. Students, often enrolled in closely related fields like English literature, linguistics, media, or performing arts, may encounter diverse modules. In the United States, Creative Writing can be pursued within a specific arts framework. 

Specific modules might necessitate the creation of a portfolio, a substantial assessment contributing to yearly credits, or potentially replacing a traditional dissertation. Master’s or PhD programs might involve a significant focus on portfolio development. In addition to academic components, some universities offer practical experiences, such as work placements or talks by accomplished writers. 

Collaborative projects with classmates further enrich the educational experience. Most commonly cover creative writing branches like playwriting, radio drama, poetry, novels, short stories, personal essays, and new media.


Embarking on a journey to study Creative Writing abroad is not merely an academic pursuit but a transformative one that expands one’s literary horizons. The opportunity to immerse oneself in diverse cultures, learn from accomplished writers, and explore unfamiliar landscapes fosters a rich tapestry of inspiration. 

Aspiring writers refine their craft and gain a global perspective, infusing their narratives with authenticity and depth. Creative Writing abroad transcends the confines of a classroom, offering an unparalleled experience that shapes the writer’s skills and worldview. 

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