Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa

The UK Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa is a unique immigration category designed for individuals who wish to work in the charitable sector in the United Kingdom. This visa allows individuals to contribute their skills and expertise to registered charities, making a positive impact on society. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa, including eligibility criteria, application process, visa conditions, post-arrival responsibilities, switching options, and settlement possibilities.

Overview of the UK Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa

The UK Tier 5 visa category is part of the UK’s Points-Based System (PBS) and is specifically tailored for temporary workers. Within this category, the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa stands out as a pathway for individuals seeking to engage in charitable work in the UK. It offers opportunities for both paid and voluntary positions, allowing individuals to contribute to a range of charitable causes.

Eligibility Criteria

A. General Requirements

To be eligible for the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa, applicants must meet certain general requirements:

  • Age restrictions and nationality: Applicants must be 18 years or older and hold a valid passport from a specific list of eligible countries.
  • English language proficiency: Proof of English language skills may be required, depending on the applicant’s nationality.
  • Maintenance funds: Applicants must demonstrate sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay in the UK.

B. Specific Requirements for Charity Workers

  • Genuine intention to work for a registered charity: Applicants must provide evidence of their genuine intention to work for a registered charity in the UK.
  • Job offer or agreement with a sponsoring charity: A job offer or agreement with a sponsoring charity is required to proceed with the visa application.
  • Confirmation of the charitable nature of the work: Applicants must demonstrate that the work they will be undertaking is charitable in nature and aligns with the objectives of the sponsoring charity.
  • Evidence of necessary skills, qualifications, or experience: Applicants must provide evidence of the skills, qualifications, or experience required for the role they will be undertaking.

Application Process

A. Sponsorship and Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS)

  • Identifying a registered charity as a sponsor: Applicants need to find a registered charity willing to sponsor them and provide them with a valid CoS.
  • Obtaining a valid CoS: The sponsoring charity must issue a valid CoS, which confirms the sponsorship arrangement and contains important details for the visa application.

B. Documentation and Supporting Evidence

  • Passport and biometric information: Applicants must provide a valid passport and biometric information as part of the application process.
  • English language test results: Depending on the applicant’s nationality, proof of English language proficiency may be required.
  • Proof of maintenance funds: Applicants must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay in the UK.
  • Job offer or agreement from a sponsoring charity: A formal job offer or agreement from the sponsoring charity is required as evidence of the employment arrangement.
  • Evidence of necessary skills and qualifications: Applicants must provide evidence of the skills, qualifications, or experience necessary for the role they will be undertaking.

C. Visa Application Submission and Processing

  • Online application submission: Applicants must complete and submit the visa application online, providing all the required information and supporting documents.
  • Paying the application fee: The application fee must be paid online at the time of submission.
  • Biometric enrollment and attending an appointment: Applicants must attend a biometric enrollment appointment to provide their fingerprints and photograph.
  • Processing times and decision notifications: The application will be processed by UK Visas and Immigration, and applicants will be notified of the decision within a specific timeframe.

Interview and Decision 

A. Purpose of the Interview

The interview serves as an opportunity for the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) officer to gather additional information about the applicant’s eligibility for the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa. It allows them to assess the applicant’s genuine intention to work for a registered charity, the nature of their work, and their qualifications and experience.

B. Interview Format

  • In-person Interviews: In some cases, applicants may be required to attend an in-person interview at a designated UKVI office. These interviews are conducted face-to-face by an immigration officer.
  • Video or Phone Interviews: In certain circumstances, applicants may be interviewed via video call or phone. This option is typically used for applicants residing in remote areas or unable to attend an in-person interview.

C. Interview Questions

The interview questions typically revolve around the applicant’s background, job offer, qualifications, experience, and commitment to working for a registered charity. Sample questions may include:

  • Tell us about your previous experience working for a charity.
  • How does your current role align with the charitable purposes of the sponsoring organization?
  • What are your responsibilities and objectives in your proposed role?
  • How will you contribute to the charity’s mission and benefit the wider community?
  • Can you provide examples of specific projects or initiatives you have been involved in?
  • What skills and qualifications make you suitable for this position?
  • How long do you intend to work for the sponsoring charity?
  • What are your future career aspirations in the charitable sector?

Decision Process

A. Evaluation of Application Materials

Prior to the interview, the UKVI officer reviews the applicant’s submitted documents, including the completed application form, supporting evidence, and the job offer or agreement from the sponsoring charity. These materials help establish the applicant’s eligibility for the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa.

B. Assessment of Interview Performance

The immigration officer evaluates the applicant’s performance during the interview, considering their responses, demeanor, and overall credibility. The officer assesses the applicant’s commitment to charitable work, knowledge of the role, and suitability for the position.

C. Additional Considerations

In addition to the interview, the UKVI officer may take into account other factors, such as the applicant’s financial situation, criminal record checks, and any previous immigration history.

D. Decision Notifications

  • Approval: If the application is approved, the applicant will receive a positive decision notification. The notification typically includes details about the visa duration, conditions, and any specific requirements upon arrival in the UK.
  • Refusal: In the event of a refusal, the applicant will receive a decision notification outlining the reasons for the refusal. This notification may provide instructions on potential options for appeal or reapplication.

Visa Conditions and Duration

The Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa has specific conditions and limitations that must be adhered to during the stay in the UK. These conditions include limitations on employment outside the sponsoring charity, restrictions on access to public funds, and compliance with UK immigration rules. The initial visa is granted for a specific duration, usually up to 12 months, and individuals may be eligible for extensions based on their circumstances.

Post-Arrival Responsibilities

Once in the UK, Tier 5 Charity Workers have certain responsibilities to fulfill:

  • Reporting to the sponsoring charity: Charity workers must report to the sponsoring charity as per the terms of their employment.
  • Compliance with immigration rules: Charity workers must comply with the UK’s immigration rules and regulations throughout their stay.
  • Keeping relevant records: It is essential to maintain accurate records of employment, residence, and any changes to personal circumstances.

Switching and Settlement

The Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa offers limited options for switching to other visa categories. However, individuals who wish to settle in the UK may explore alternative routes, such as the Tier 2 (General) Visa or the Innovator Visa. These pathways provide opportunities for long-term residence and eventual settlement in the country.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I apply for the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa if I have previous criminal convictions?

  • The UK immigration authorities will assess each application on a case-by-case basis. Having previous criminal convictions may affect your eligibility for the visa. It is recommended to consult with an immigration lawyer to understand the potential impact on your application.

Can I switch to the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa from within the UK if I am on a different visa category?

  • Yes, it is possible to switch to the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa from within the UK if you are already in a different visa category. However, there may be specific requirements and limitations for switching visas, so it is advisable to seek professional advice to ensure a smooth transition.

Can my dependents accompany me on the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa?

  • The Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa does not have a specific provision for dependents. However, if you meet the requirements of another visa category that allows dependents, such as the Tier 2 (General) Visa, they may be eligible to join you in the UK.

Can I extend my Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa beyond the initial duration?

  • Yes, it is possible to apply for an extension of your Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa. Extension applications must be submitted before your current visa expires, and you must continue to meet the eligibility criteria. It is important to plan ahead and ensure that you have sufficient time to gather the required documents and meet the extension requirements.

Can I apply for settlement (indefinite leave to remain) through the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa?

  • The Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa does not directly lead to settlement in the UK. However, if you have resided in the UK continuously and lawfully for a certain period, you may be eligible to apply for settlement through another visa category, such as the Tier 2 (General) Visa or the Innovator Visa.

Can I undertake additional paid work or volunteer for other organizations while on the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa?

  • The Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa restricts employment to the sponsoring charity only. You are not permitted to undertake paid work or volunteer for other organizations unless it is explicitly allowed under the terms of your visa. It is important to consult with your sponsoring charity and adhere to the visa conditions to avoid any immigration violations.

What happens if my sponsoring charity terminates my employment or if I decide to change my sponsoring charity?

  • If your employment with the sponsoring charity is terminated or you wish to change your sponsoring charity, you must inform UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) and seek their guidance on the necessary steps. In some cases, it may be necessary to find another sponsoring charity and obtain a new Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) before continuing your charitable work in the UK.,

Can I bring my family members to the UK on a different visa category while I am on the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa?

  • Family members, such as a spouse or children, may be eligible to join you in the UK on a different visa category, such as the Tier 2 (Dependent) Visa. Each family member’s eligibility will depend on their individual circumstances and the specific requirements of the chosen visa category. It is advisable to seek professional advice to explore the available options.

Is there a limit on the number of Tier 5 Charity Worker Visas issued each year?

  • The Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa does not have an annual quota or limit on the number of visas issued. As long as applicants meet the eligibility criteria and fulfill the requirements, they can apply for the visa throughout the year.

Can I apply for British citizenship through the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa?

  • No, the Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa does not lead directly to British citizenship. To become eligible for British citizenship, you typically need to have lived in the UK for a certain number of years under a qualifying visa category, such as the Tier 2 (General) Visa or Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). It is advisable to consult with an immigration lawyer to understand the requirements for British citizenship.


The UK Tier 5 Charity Worker Visa provides a valuable opportunity for individuals to contribute their skills and expertise to registered charities in the United Kingdom. This comprehensive guide has explored the various aspects of the visa, including eligibility criteria, the application process, visa conditions, post-arrival responsibilities, switching options, and settlement possibilities. It is crucial for applicants to thoroughly understand the requirements and seek professional advice to ensure a successful application process and compliance with UK immigration rules. By embracing this opportunity, individuals can make a meaningful impact in the charitable sector while experiencing the rich cultural and professional environment of the UK.

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