Most Affordable Universities in Europe for International Students

Studying abroad has become increasingly accessible for students seeking affordable education options. Europe has emerged as a popular destination, attracting millions of international students each year. 

These students find a wealth of opportunities to pursue their degrees while keeping their expenses manageable. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most affordable universities in Europe for international students, helping you take that exciting step toward a quality education without breaking the bank.

10 Most Affordable Universities in Europe for International Students

1. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

  • Tuition Cost Free!
  • Popular Subjects Humanities, Sciences, and Political Science
  • Recommended Program Study Italian in Pisa, Italy by The National Registration Center for Study Abroad

Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, is a top choice for those interested in humanities, sciences, and political science. What’s most remarkable about this university is that it offers free tuition to international students, making it an incredibly budget-friendly option. Moreover, Pisa, a charming city in Tuscany, provides a picturesque backdrop for your academic journey.

2. Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy

  • Tuition Cost Free
  • Popular Subjects Experimental & Applied Sciences and Social Sciences
  • Recommended Program SAI Programs Education Abroad Inspiring Creativity!

Sant’Anna, also located in Pisa, Italy, is another fantastic choice for international students. Like its neighbor, Scuola Normale Superiore, Sant’Anna offers tuition-free education. It specializes in experimental and applied sciences, as well as social sciences. While studying in Pisa, you can immerse yourself in Italian culture and history, making your educational experience even more enriching.

3. Free University of Berlin, Germany

  • Tuition Cost Free
  • Popular Subjects North American Studies
  • Recommended Program API at Freie University of Berlin

Free University of Berlin, situated in the vibrant German capital, is renowned for its North American Studies programs. For international students, the best part is that it provides tuition-free education. Berlin, with its rich history and modern vibes, offers a dynamic backdrop for your academic pursuits.

4. University of Göttingen, Germany

  • Tuition Cost Approximately €300 (~$335)
  • Popular Subjects Humanities, natural sciences, law, and social sciences

The University of Göttingen in Germany offers a wide array of programs in humanities, natural sciences, law, and social sciences. While it’s not entirely free, the tuition fees are relatively affordable at around €300. Göttingen, a picturesque university town, promises a serene environment for your studies.

5. RWTH Aachen University, Germany

  • Tuition Cost Approximately 260 euros (~$290)
  • Popular Subjects Architecture, georesources, and materials engineering

If you’re interested in architecture, georesources, or materials engineering, RWTH Aachen University in Germany is an excellent choice. The tuition costs are quite reasonable, approximately 260 euros. Aachen, a city with a rich history and a blend of German and Dutch influences, provides a unique cultural experience.

6. The University of Vienna, Austria

  • Tuition Cost Approximately 730 Euros, or ~$815 per semester
  • Popular Subjects Theology, Computer Science, Cultural Studies, Philosophy
  • Recommended Program Budget Low Cost – German Studies – University of Vienna by Center For Study Abroad (CSA)

The University of Vienna, located in the heart of Austria’s capital, is a hub of cultural and academic excellence. It provides an array of courses in theology, computer science, cultural studies, and philosophy. While tuition fees are involved, they are quite reasonable, making Vienna an attractive destination for international students. You’ll get to study in a city brimming with history, art, and music.

7. Nord University, Bodø, Norway

  • Tuition Cost Approximately 725 Euros, or ~$800 per semester
  • Popular Subjects Circumpolar Studies, 3D art, Animation, Games and Entertainment Technology, Biology, and English

Located  in the coastal city of Bodø, Nord University in Norway offers a unique educational experience. From circumpolar studies to 3D art and English, its diverse program offerings cater to various interests. Although there are tuition costs involved, the quality of education and the scenic Norwegian landscapes make it worthwhile.

8. Nantes University, France

  • Tuition Cost Approximately 184 Euros, or ~$200 per semester
  • Popular Subjects Health and medical technology, engineering, legal and political science, and other interdisciplinary programs
  • Recommended Program IES Abroad Nantes – French Language Immersion & Area Studies

Nantes University, situated in the city of Nantes, France, is known for its focus on health and medical technology, engineering, and interdisciplinary programs. With tuition fees being quite affordable, studying in Nantes is an excellent choice for those interested in the vibrant culture and history of France. You can immerse yourself in a French language and culture program for a comprehensive experience.

9. University of Paris-Sud, France

  • Tuition Cost Approximately 170 Euros, or ~$190 per semester
  • Popular Subjects Sciences and languages, physics, and economics and management

The University of Paris-Sud, located in the suburbs of Paris, is renowned for its programs in sciences, physics, and economics and management. With modest tuition fees, this institution offers a cost-effective way to experience student life in the Paris metropolitan area. You’ll have access to world-class resources while enjoying the charm of France’s capital.

10. University of Athens, Greece

  • Tuition Cost Approximately $400 per semester
  • Popular Subjects to Study Dentistry, music studies, nursing, social theology, and theatre studies

The University of Athens, Greece’s oldest and most prestigious university, provides a range of programs in fields such as dentistry, music studies, nursing, social theology, and theatre studies. While there are tuition fees, they are reasonable, and the university’s historical significance and Athens’ cultural richness make it an appealing choice.

Some Common Fields of Study in Europe

1. Business

European universities often provide comprehensive business programs, including degrees in management, finance, marketing, and international business. These programs equip students with valuable skills to thrive in the global marketplace.

2. Education

Europe boasts a strong tradition of excellence in education. Aspiring teachers and educators can pursue degrees in fields like early childhood education, special education, and curriculum development at European institutions.

3. Computer Science

With a growing demand for tech-savvy professionals, computer science programs in Europe are highly regarded. Students can explore areas such as software engineering, data science, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

4. Health Science

European universities offer a wide range of health science programs, including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and public health. Students can receive top-quality training and hands-on experience in the healthcare sector.


Studying abroad has opened doors for countless students seeking quality education without the hefty price tag. Europe has emerged as a prime destination for international students, offering a treasure trove of opportunities to pursue higher education while keeping expenses manageable. Some of the most affordable universities across Europe for students from around the globe. These institutions provide budget-friendly education, deliver a world-class academic experience, and enrich cultural immersion.

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